New Year Origin

We all know that New Year is a perfect time of celebration, a time to gather with family and friends to say goodbye to the problems of the past and greeting the fortunes that the future holds. But have you ever wondered why January 1 symbols the beginning of the year? Have you ever thought about why we celebrate or rejoice in the way that we do? There are a numerous of superstitious traditions that began many years before that have lost their meaning in absent day.

Typically these traditions were enacted to influence the fortune one would have in the next year. The origins of New Years celebrations are very old approximately thousands of years. In approximately 2000BC the Babylonians celebrated the New Year over an 11-day phase.

This time did not begin on January 1 as we would expect, it actually started with the first new moon after the first day of spring which also known as the Vernal Equinox. It was not until 153BC that January was declared as the starting of the year by the Romans. The month was named after Janus the mythical god of early period.

The calendar year became much more like that used in current day in 46BC when Julius Caesar established the Julian calendar. Rome is the place where the first time the event of New Year was celebrated in the century of 153 B.C.

The new year was moved from March to January because that was the starting of the civil year, the month that the two newly nominated Roman consuls—the uppermost officials in the Roman republic—began their one-year tenure. But this New Year date was not always widely and strictly observed, and the New Year was still sometimes celebrated on March 1.