Spanish New Year

Having a unique touch and style, New Year in Spain is worth seeing. Spanish people celebrate the New Year's Eve is traditional style. The 12 Grape eating customs is essential part of New Year celebrations in Spain. New Year in Spain is celebrated with great passion when the ringing of the bells at the midnight, as soon as the clock strikes 12.

People collect at the Puerta del Sol Square in Madrid and wait the bell to ring and mark the entry of the next year. New Year in Spain is best times to travel Spain's nightlife. New Year is the time when the country dipped in real celebratory mood and decorations all around.

New Years Eve in Spain

Like all festivals in Spain, New Year's Eve, famous as "Nochevieja" is generally a family affair which takes place at home. Until midnight people tend to stay at home and on the stroke of midnight it is very ancient tradition to eat 12 grapes, one on every stroke of the clock to bring good fortune for the New Year. This tradition start when after a particularly big grape harvest the king of Spain decided to give every person grapes to eat on New Year's Eve.

Fireworks is the most important part of New Year's and mostly accompanied with a big noise, since the old times. According to the ancient beliefs, fire and noise repel evil spirits and bring good luck and happiness. Dancing is also very popular New Year traditions in Spain. In places like Barcelona, Madrid and other places, plenty of people come out in the streets and indulge in merriment and dancing. People dress themselves in colorful and bright costumes and dance in groups. The New Year tradition in Spain indeed brings out the lively ambiance of the country.